Month: April 2014

  • Adoption Pearls from the All-Adoptee ICU

    A lesson from nature teaches us that pain is the catalyst that makes the precious pearl. Through all the tough issues adoptees work through in the All-Adoptee ICU, pearls of wisdom are formed. Here is my “take” on the pearls. How about yours? 1. Anyone can make love, but only God can create a life.…

  • All-Adoptee ICU Signs of Recovery

    Here are a few of the signs that adoptees have healed: • “I have a unique life purpose…I can see how God is working in my life!” • “I can now take rejection in stride!” • “I can now see my adoption experience through God’s eyes!” The link for the All-Adoptee Online Group is:…

  • All-Adoptee ICU Success Stories

    There’s nothing defective about adoptees! We just need a special kind of help.