Tag: adoptee

  • The Special Needs of Many Adopted Kids

    The Special Needs of Many Adopted Kids

    Many adopted children have special needs that adoptive, first, and foster parents must learn  in order to become their child’s #1 cheerleader. Use this list as needed and as age-appropriate for discussing special needs with your child. You might say, “An adopted person wrote a list of her special needs. Would you be interested in…

  • Identifying With Fellow Adoptee Anne With An “E”

    Identifying With Fellow Adoptee Anne With An “E”

    Most adoptive parents will identify with the challenges of raising an adopted child. The mother and father were brother and sister and had never raised children. They made typical mistakes that almost all parents do, but the challenges were often magnified because they had no backstory, no parental training or education, and no awareness that…

  • Adoptees Can Grow Amidst Birth Family Rejection

    Adoptees Can Grow Amidst Birth Family Rejection

    Rejection. Just the sound of the word sends chills up my spine! Rejection is the dark side of the search and reunion process. The agonizing side. The side that is rarely, if ever, talked about, the side media never covers. However, rejection need not define us. Here’s why.