Tag: adoptive moms

  • One Adoptee Discovers Late Mom’s Legacy of Love

    One Adoptee Discovers Late Mom’s Legacy of Love

    I never dreamed I’d be writing a book about her…my late adoptive mom, that is. Our rocky relationship was nothing to brag about. In fact, it was a secret I carried as an adoption author and speaker. But, then something incredible occurred. Flashing into my mind were warm memories of her. How could that be?…

  • Is Adoptee Anger My Life Sentence?

    Is Adoptee Anger My Life Sentence?

    Many of us adoptees wonder if anger is our life sentence. It’s been a constant companion since childhood and even though attempts like counseling have been made to quell it, it’s a strong as ever. Once a counselor told me to just scream when I feel angry. The next time I felt angry, I screamed…

  • How Will Your Adopted or Foster Child Remember You?

    How Will Your Adopted or Foster Child Remember You?

    As her child, in the deep loss, I would have loved to have a timeless memory that she’d created for me. Something I could hold in my hands and remember the values and beliefs she held dear. I’m sure she wondered with an attachment disordered kid what I would say about her effectiveness in parenting.…